The Rose Seance Experiment

😱 This October 31st, witness the first séance which will attempt to contact the restless spirit haunting Amsterdam for over a hundred years. Discover the sordid affair, gruesome murder, and helpless orphan caught in the middle. The sitting will take place in the same room where the crime happened, and we will conduct several experiments to establish communication with young Rose and find out what she needs to rest in peace.

👀 Join French Séance Medium Edgar Brumaire on his quest to reach out and solve the mysteries surrounding this century-old tale of woe. Psychics, skeptics & spirits are welcome. In this séance, you may decide to be brave and join the program as the psychic who may make contact with the spirit – or you may choose to be critical and join the program as the skeptic whose job will be to keep the experiments above board. You may sit at the séance table or watch safely from the side.

🌹The Rose Séance is an event you HAVE to see!

✨ Only 10 people will be admitted.

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okt 31 2024


19:30 - 22:00

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Boom Chicago
Rozengracht 117, Amsmterdam
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